Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 5 Acadia National Park (& a lobster dinner)

We all slept well last night! Up this morning and headed out by 9:30am. We started our day with a drive to the top of Cadallic Mountain. This is the highest elevation on the Eastern Seaboard. (Also at the same latitude at Southern France, but not the same climate.) We headed to the summit & found the benchmark close to the top. Then we trekked across the rocks to a small loop with views of Bar Harbor, Frenchman's Bay & the outlaying islands. An added bonus was seeing the Queen Elizabeth, a cruise ship that docks offshore once a year from England.

We checked out the gift shop--of course, then daddy grilled us lunch. Quite a time to grill out with the lovely view! Even gave away our extra burger to another hungry tourist!

We joined Park Ranger Susan Mayne (how perfect is her last name to work in this park?) for the Summit Walk ranger program. Our 75 minute guided walk was filled with information about the mountain, the view, the history of the park & more.

Our last stop at the top of the mountain was another geocache! A virtual one due to the dislike of the National Park service of folks hiding things in the park. We had to find what birthday of the gentleman for whom the North Face Trail was laid in honor of a few years ago.

Next we rode our bikes on a Carriage Road near Jordan Pond. It was a small loop, but filled with great scenery. Rockefeller, Jr. sure did a great thing building these roads over 100 years ago--and what a blessing that he decreed they be off limits to motorcars! The kids thought it was funny avoiding road apples left from the horses who pull carriages.

At one of the Carriage Road Gatehouses

We headed out of the park toward Ellsworth to find daddy some lobster for dinner. It was interesting watching him eat it! When I figure out how to post video, I have a funny one! Everyone else at least tasted a tiny bit! For dessert, the girl had blueberry icecream & the boy got chocolate. The blueberry was YUMMY!

Daddy looking forward to his dinner!

Back to camp for much needed showers & a campfire--which you can't have without s'mores!

Tomorrow is more exploring of Acadia!
the simmonds family

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