Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 8 Maine to Connecticut

We ate a quick breakfast, packed up camp & headed out! Our travels included a stop for gas, lunch and a brief time at a Quality Inn to plug in the computer to find geocaches for MA & RI. We found a MA cache just off the road near the hotel. Mama trekked into the brush to find this one.

We travelled through Boston and got caught in a little traffic, but saw some of the city. Headed toward Providence, RI. Just 30ish miles from our destination, we blew a tire on the camper! YIKES--right in the middle land on I95! Daddy got us over to the side of the road, we called for help! Two very nice RI State Troopers arrived & they called for the CVS Good Samaritan roadside van. Glenn, the very efficient CVS dude, got us up & running while daddy chatted with the troopers. The kiddos meanwhile were playing a thomas the tank engine game on the dvd player! It's amazing what doesn't phase them. We were on the road in 30 minutes! We spent the next 90 minutes circling the area to purchase a new spare tire--4 stops!

The last 30 miles was strenuous to say the least. The hungry kids, grumpy grownups and limping saturn barely made it to Mystic. (Our service car soon light came on, but then went off. We'll get it checked somewhere along the way tomorrow.) This KOA is very large and has lots to do. While Mama cooked dinner, Daddy & the kids went to the pool. Next we did some laundry & dishes. Mama & the boy went out in search of Dunkin Donuts & milk. After passing the DD at nearly every exit today, we couldn't resist any longer!

Some donuts & icecream later, we finished laundry! Luke also decided this was a good day to ride a 2 wheeler w/o training wheels. He had a successful 20 yards a month ago & hasn't been willing to try since. Today was the day! Go figure! He was also riding Rachel's bike.

Tired kids were sent to bed.
Tomorrow is playing here a little & heading to Hershey, PA!
the simmonds family

1 comment:

Rich said...

WHAAA HOOOO!! Sure sounds like fun. Make sure you taste all of the different kinds of candy they make in Hershey!!!